
The new normal: Our collective stress is nothing new for foster kids


Shock, denial, disbelief, confusion, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, fear … these are all symptoms of trauma.

If you've never dealt with stress, anxiety, and grief on a regular basis before, you're likely very familiar with it now.

This COVID-19 pandemic has changed the very fabric of our daily lives. Normal is not a thing anymore. Things are both ever-changing and overwhelmingly stagnant. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, and some days we almost dread what awaits us when the sun rises.

This feeling, this all-consuming, life-changing feeling, is common for many children in foster care...every day.

Not knowing when they can return home. Not knowing if they'll see their own families again. Not knowing how long this will last. Not knowing when they'll see their friends or teachers or when they'll get a hug from someone who cares about them.

It's hard enough for us as adults with support systems. Imagine what this feels like to children without them.

This is part of the reason why a CASA is so important. When a child's life is turned upside down through no fault of their own, it's traumatic. They need someone to help them through that trauma. Someone to explain to them that what happened to them was not their fault and that now they have an adult – an advocate – who isn't going anywhere. They have someone to help make sure their needs are being met and their present turmoil doesn't have to be their future life.

There are currently more than 500 children in foster care in Luzerne County because of abuse and neglect. We currently have volunteer advocates speaking up for the best interests of 74 of those children.

But there are still hundreds more.

Once this pandemic has passed, we'll return to life as normal. We'll be back in the gym, in restaurants with our friends, at the movies with our families. Eventually the panic and fear will subside and we'll sink back into that comfortable security most of us had before this started.

Those children who are waiting for an advocate will likely not have that same luxury.

This is why it's important for our community to continue to come together. From advocates, to donors, to those who share our mission with others, we are all working together to strengthen the foundation of our community and stop cycles of trauma before they continue to new generations.

If you'd like to talk to us about becoming an advocate, you can reach out to us here. If you'd like to be donor, you can donate online here or participate in the 501cFree virtual fundraiser here. If you'd like to share the need for CASA with others, you can follow us on Facebook here.

#GivingTuesday: Warm hearts and warm hands

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It's cold out. Unseasonably so far.

Right now there are more than 500 children in foster care in Luzerne County because of abuse and neglect. CASA of Luzerne County has advocates speaking up for 62 of those kids. Not only have they experienced abuse and neglect, suffered trauma, and been taken away from the life they know, the majority of them are not prepared for our long, cold, Pennsylvania winters.


We invite you to join us for #GivingTuesday on Tuesday, December 3 (or any day from Thanksgiving to December 4 at 4 p.m.) to help CASA raise money to keep our kids warm this winter. Our goal is to give each of our advocates the ability to purchase coats, boots, hats, and gloves for the children for whom they advocate. Your kindness can show these most vulnerable children in our community that there are people who care about them.

AllOne Charities is accepting donations on CASA's behalf. Please visit their website and select CASA of Luzerne County to make your donation:

Last year, thanks to the generosity of community, AllOne Charities, and the Times Leader, we raised enough money to keep 27 children warm. As the number of kids in foster care grows, so does the need.

AllOne's website is open from Thanksgiving Day to Wednesday, December 4 at 4 p.m.

We are so grateful to them, the Times Leader, and you for showing our children that they are loved and cared for.