
What's Happening at CASA of Luzerne County? April-June 2022

CASA of Luzerne County is heading into summer but we aren’t slowing down. Here are some highlights. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events or in an information session!

Action in Advocacy!

Our CASA advocates have been moving our youth to safe and stable permanency.

We are in need of some additional advocates to help us advocate for the children in the Luzerne County dependency court system who desperately need a voice. There are multiple information sessions scheduled both in person and virtually and our next training session will begin at the end of August. If you have been considering becoming an advocate there is no time like the present. We have information sessions scheduled for July 19th, August 11th and August 15th. Please visit our website at for more information or call the office at 570-855-2247.

PA CASA Conference

CASA staff and four of our advocates attended the PA CASA conference in Harrisburg in April.

The topic of the conference was Trauma Informed Advocacy. We were all able to participate in incredible breakout sessions that led to conversation and brainstorming on how to better advocate for our children who have experience so much trauma in their lives.

Our organization is participating in a Trauma Informed/Mental Health Advocacy pilot program through PA CASA and the All One Foundation, championed by Meghan Kosek. Exciting expansion of our advocacy!

CASA in the Community

Some of the youth and advocates participated in the inaugural Skate with a Cop at the Coal Street Park on April 23rd. This opportunity was made possible by our teaming with the Pennsylvania State Police. Our youth who had never set foot on the ice prior to this day laced up and skated and even shot the hockey puck around. One of our youth stated it was the best day of her life. CASA of Luzerne County is appreciative of the efforts from our partnerships to give our youth memories that will last a lifetime. We can’t wait until next year!

On April 29th CASA’s Executive Director participated in Community Reading Day through the Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce. Mary Kay had a wonderful experience reading to a first grade class at Pittston City Elementary. The book was about “filling up others invisible bucket” with kindness. Mary Kay’s bucket was full when she left the classroom and she reflected on how our court appointed special advocates fill the buckets of children everyday through their dedication.

The crew from CASA of Luzerne County got our hands dirty on May 11th, participating in the United Way Day of Caring. We were excited to give back to a community partner. We ripped up flooring, painted and wallpapered the Dress for Success office in Luzerne County. We were teamed up with people from Benco Dental and we all achieved so much more than expected. The outcome is lovely and we know our friends at Dress for Success were grateful for our sweat equity. Thank you to the United Way for doing so much for our friends and neighbors,

On May 21st CASA of Luzerne County participated in a Community Family Day a the CYC. We came equipped with a bubble machine and coloring sheets but left that day with a deeper sense of pride for our community partners. Some of the children we advocate for and their advocates enjoyed the DJ, water balloons and delicious food provided at the event. They went away having won door prizes and learning about many of the wonderful services our county has to offer.

The Wilkes-Barre Power event on June 2nd was the place to see and be seen on June 2nd, especially for CASA, who was chosen as the non-profit of the month. Mary Kay and Program Director, Brennan Morell, discussed the importance of advocating for the youth in Luzerne County and promoted some of our upcoming events. It was an evening filled with interest and great conversation. We were grateful for the opportunity and we are now attending the events regularly.

CASA’s Growth

June 6th was an incredible day for CASA of Luzerne County. The staff and advocates celebrated the grand opening of the CASA Clubhouse. The CASA Clubhouse is a designated space for our advocates to bring their youth to relax, do homework, do art or STEM activities, have a snack or watch a movie.

The Leadership Northeast CORE group Mi CASA es su CASA took on the project of remodeling an old drab office space into a beautiful and relaxing oasis for the youth and advocates to enjoy. The night was punctuated by a cocktail party to celebrate years of service for our advocates, some of who have been with the program for 9 years. It was an amazing night.

Thank you to Leadership Northeast for your dedication to the community, especially to our CORE group who went above and beyond for the children of CASA.

Please feel free to stop by and take a tour of this incredible space.

In June, CASA of Luzerne County welcomed a new Advocate Coordinator, Patty Rogers. Patty comes to us with a background in child welfare, having been a caseworker in Northumberland County. She has a true understanding of the importance of advocacy for children in the dependency court system and is looking forward to guiding our advocates through sometimes difficult and uncomfortable situations. We are grateful to have her on our team and we look forward to all that she will bring to the organization.


Following some COVID interruptions and a tornado scare, the 5th Annual NEPA Sings fundraiser was held at the Moonlite Drive-In on Thursday, June 23rd. It was an amazing night with multiple food and beverage vendors and wonderful pre-show entertainment by the Kelly Reilly Duo. CASA of Luzerne County is thankful to PNC Bank and Geisinger for being the presenting sponsors for another year of this unique event. We are also grateful for our many other community sponsors and everyone who came out to support the show. The full show can be viewed on YouTube under NEPA Sings 2022. Please check it out and enjoy the incredible talent from our area. And congratulate or winner, Cindie Gunderman, if you see her performing near you.

Upcoming Adventures!

CASA of Luzerne County received a generous grant through the Mercy Foundation for the creation of an Art and Writing program. We are grateful to our community members who are contacting us to jump on board and participate in this incredible opportunity to give the youth a new voice and learn more about art, writing and the community they live in. Stay tuned for more exciting information on this program. The Sordoni Gallery at Wilkes University is just one of our partners and they have their creative juices flowing!

CASA of Luzerne County will be a featured nonprofit at the Railriders game on Thursday, August 11th. Our staff will have a table with information on the program and how to become involved, our Executive Director will be throwing out the first pitch and we will be celebrating our advocates that evening. Tickets will be on sale shortly if anyone would like to join us and raise some funds for CASA of Luzerne County!

Our premier fundraiser, An Evening in CASAblanca, will be held on September 22nd at the Luzerne County Courthouse. This event will certainly take your breath away surrounded by the beautiful architecture. Please come out to support our volunteer special advocates and the mission and vision of CASA. Tickets and sponsorships are available now at Tickets are limited so please get them before they sell out. There is also a unique opportunity to light up the courthouse grounds in honor of the children in the dependency court system by purchasing a luminary bag. Thank you in advance for your support!

Wrapping up…….

CASA of Luzerne County continues to recruit, train and support volunteer child advocates to give a voice and a future story to the children in the Luzerne County Court System. Please call if you are interested in becoming an advocate or joining one of our committees that support our organization. Call 570-855-2247 or email and we will contact you.

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in CASA of Luzerne County.

CASA of Luzerne County has the BEST Volunteers!

National Volunteer Appreciation Week

In honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Week CASA of Luzerne County wants to share some information about our amazing volunteers.

Advocating by the Numbers

CASA of Luzerne County currently has 59 volunteer advocates giving a voice to 81 children in the dependency court system in Luzerne County.

CASA volunteers helped 20 children achieve permanency in 2021. Most of these children were reunited safely with their parents or caregivers and some found a new forever home through adoption.

CASA volunteers contributed approximately 3,245,320 hours to their advocacy in 2021! They spent these hours forming bonds, talking to schools and doctors, learning about the court and child welfare system and ultimately advocating for the best interest of the child.

The average number of years a CASA has been volunteering with the organization is 3 years but CASA of Luzerne County has volunteers who were sworn at the inaugural swearing in ceremony in 2013.

Who are our Advocates?

Our advocates are parents, grandparents, single, married, retired persons, working persons, students, men and women of all ages. Our advocates represent a little bit of everyone. Each advocate has their own story, as does the children they advocate for. Each advocate is on their own journey. They are not only changing the life of a child but they are changing their own life through advocacy.

Thank You!

The words Thank You, seem so simplistic but the staff and the Board of Directors of CASA of Luzerne County cannot thank our volunteers enough. Without the dedicated people who give their greatest resource, time, to the children in the dependency court system CASA of Luzerne County would cease to exist. It is humbling to see the work, hear the stories and share the outcomes of the cases with the advocates. The difference that each of you make in the life of a child cannot be measured and will last a lifetime.

Thank you to all the past, current and future advocates. Your time, energy, passion, dedication and heart for these children is a special gift.

How can you join this special club?

If you are interested in becoming an advocate with CASA of Luzerne County please call the office at 570-855-2247 and schedule to come to an information session. Our staff and our amazing advocates would love to share their stories of advocacy with you.