CASA of Luzerne County Year in Review
Dear Friends,
As we approach the end of another challenging year, I am filled with gratitude for all those who have given generously of themselves- as volunteers, as donors, as partners- to help children who have experienced abuse or neglect in our community. We are thankful for you and greatly appreciate your support of our mission.
The holiday season should be a time to make happy memories with family. But it can be a difficult time for the more than 500 children in Luzerne County who have experienced abuse or neglect.
That is a heavy burden for a child to carry alone. On any given day this holiday season, 58 volunteers in Luzerne County are showing up for 70 children, helping them find hope for a brighter future. In 2022, CASA of Luzerne County volunteers provided a voice to 101 children, 51 children with a CASA volunteer achieved permanency with over 50% of those returning safely to their home of origin, 16 new volunteer advocates were sworn in and matched with children needing advocacy and the CASA volunteers gave approximately 12,120 hours of advocacy to children in Luzerne County.
We at CASA of Luzerne County are determined to make sure that every child in our county who has experienced abuse or neglect has the opportunity to thrive in a safe and loving home. But we can’t do this alone. Your generous support makes our work on behalf of these children and youth possible.
Please help us reach more children by making a gift today or becoming a volunteer advocate. Every gift, no matter the size, will have an impact. Together we can help a child thrive.
Mary Kay Pivovarnik
Executive Director
CASA of Luzerne County