We need you to help support children in need.
During National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, we at CASA of Luzerne County are challenging our friends, neighbors, and community to take action to support children who have been abused or neglected.
There are 424 children in foster care in Luzerne County. You might know some of these kids -- maybe they go to school with your children, or attend your church. Maybe you've only passed them in the grocery store, or have heard stories about their situations through other people.
These children come into the child welfare system through no fault of their own. And often as a direct result of abuse and neglect.
So how can you help?
There are many ways for you to change the life of a child right in your own community. You can become an advocate and act as the voice of these children who often can't speak up for themselves. You can also make a donation to CASA of Luzerne County to ensure we are able to recruit, train, and support more advocates who are committed to standing up for the best interest of these children.
Right now we have 25 volunteer advocates speaking up for 42 children, but there are still 388 children in need of the care and support only a CASA volunteer can provide.
Click here to learn more about becoming an advocate. You can also support CASA by attending our NEPA Sings event on April 12. Click here for more info and to buy your tickets.