CASA awarded Millennium Circle Foundation grant

On Tuesday of this week, CASA of Luzerne County’s executive director, John Aciukewicz, spoke to The Luzerne Foundation and its Millennium Circle members about the need for CASA in our community. He shared the heartbreaking story of the horrific abuse endured by a young local child and how the dedication of her volunteer advocate is changing her story.

“For the first time, there is an adult in her life who can look her in the eyes and say, ‘this should never have happened to you, this was not your fault, and I am going to do my best so that this does not happen to you again,’” John said.

The generosity of The Luzerne Foundation and The Millennium Circle means that CASA can continue its mission to provide a Court Appointed Special Advocate to every abused and neglected child in foster care in Luzerne County.

CASA is a 501(c)3 non-profit child advocacy organization. We do not receive any County, State, or Federal tax dollars to support our program. We rely upon generous donors like the Luzerne Foundation and its Millenium Circle members as we seek to provide more children in Luzerne County with a court appointed special advocate and ensure their right to a safe and permanent as soon as possible.

Below is the announcement from The Luzerne Foundation and the video of John’s presentation.

Thank you to all who support our cause and share our belief that a healthy community starts with children who are safe, protected, and loved.

Millennium Circle announcement Luz Fdn.jpg