Advocate Spotlight: Shannon Joyce


Shannon Joyce is a familiar face to those who know CASA and the impact it has had on the community here in Luzerne County.

Not only did Shannon help change the program for the better as an advocate coordinator, she has made her mark as an advocate as well.

When the opportunity to step into the role of an advocate came up, Shannon didn’t hesitate to take on the added responsibility of a difficult case.

“I felt pulled to advocate after seeing the impact that my volunteer advocates were having on the lives of the children they were working with,” Shannon said.

As an advocate, Shannon had an amazing impact as well. Because of her care and concern, Shannon was able to help reunite a family and change a child’s story for the better.

“My most memorable moment as an advocate was seeing my child reunited with her mother,” Shannon said. “They had been apart for years and seeing the joy on both of their faces when the judge ruled that she could return home was amazing!”

Not only that, Shannon was able to show this young girl that there are people who care and are willing to be there when times get tough.

“Every child comes with a unique story and sometimes people may perceive a child one way without knowing that whole story,” Shannon said. “As an advocate, you may be the first person that the child can trust and the first person who is willing to listen.”

After leaving CASA for an opportunity to work with The Sisters of Mercy in their Mid-Atlantic Office, Shannon stayed committed to her case and saw it through to completion.

“This organization truly works to change the lives of the children we advocate for,” she said. “I have seen first-hand what one caring adult can do to change the course of a child’s future.”

If, like Shannon, you’d like to step up and make a lasting impact for a child in our community, we invite you to join us at one of our upcoming info sessions to learn more about what it means to be a CASA and how you can use your gifts to make a difference.

Shannon lives in Larksville with her husband, Jim, and their dog Todd.