Advocate Spotlight: Michelle Kozich


NEPA Sings 2018 is what sparked Michelle Kozich's interest in CASA of Luzerne County. 

"I had no idea what CASA was at the time, but I love music and bought a couple of tickets to NEPA Sings," Michelle said. "As I learned about CASA that evening, I knew it would be something I'd eventually do, it was just a matter of finding the right time." 

A year later, Michelle was in our spring training class and officially began her advocacy in June 2019. 

She has been advocating for four siblings and has shown them that there is an adult out there who cares what happens to them. 

After a hearing, one of the children thanked Michelle for her advocacy. 

"She said, 'Thank you for everything you did for me today,'" Michelle recounted. "I realized in that moment that she noticed. She knew I was there for her and that I was there because I wanted to be, not because I had to be. I'll never forget that moment." 

Michelle is proof that if you're determined to make a difference, nothing can stand in your way. She works a full time job and is still devoted to her family and her own life. 

"Becoming an advocate is truly a decision you won't regret," Michelle said. "There are children you will make an impact on in such a positive way."

If, like Michelle, you're ready to change the life of a child who is waiting for you, please reach out to us. We postponed our spring training class that was scheduled to begin on March 25th due to COVID-19. However, we'd love to talk to you if you're interested in learning more about becoming a volunteer advocate.

Michelle lives in Plains with her husband of 23 years. They are parents to two adult children and three cats.