Start a Movement for CASA of Luzerne County

How Do You Start A Movement?

CASA of Luzerne County is holding a community awareness and fundraising campaign the week of March 21st through March 27th leading up to Child Abuse Prevention Month

The goal is to have 500 community members participate to raise awareness for the over 500 children in the Luzerne County foster care system and learn about voluntary child advocacy

How can you get involved?

Make a $10 donation at and dedicate your walk, at home workout or any other activity you are involved in to the children in the Luzerne County foster care system

In return for your donation and dedication you will receive a Start a Movement magnet and a packet of information describing volunteer child advocacy


Visit one of our sponsoring gyms or facilities listed below and make a $10 donation and dedicate your class or workout to the children in the Luzerne County foster care system

Please Like and follow CASA of Luzerne County on Facebook to see posts during the Start a Movement campaign week

Post a picture of your workout with the hashtag #startamovementcasa- we would even love to see your dogs on a walk!

CASA of Luzerne County would like to thank the following sponsoring gyms and facilities who believe that every child in the Luzerne County dependency court system need a voice