Advocate Spotlight: Annie Ellis

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If you're familiar with CASA of Luzerne County, odds are you're familiar with Annie Ellis. 

Annie became a court appointed special advocate in May of 2016 and has charged full steam ahead since then. Her first case ended in a very happy adoption and now Annie is working on her second, devoting her time and energy to a young girl who is benefiting greatly from her dedication. 

Annie speaks proudly about her CASA experience whenever she can. Perhaps her words are what helped draw some of you to the program, too. 

An important thing for Annie is to make sure that people know that CASA exists and the need for these children to have a voice. 

"I'm afraid that most people are just as unaware as I was two-and-a-half years ago that right here in Luzerne County over 400 children are subjected to neglect and abuse and are literally physically removed from their homes," Annie said. 

The most important thing, though, is the children we serve. 

"The importance of understanding just how fragile the children we encounter are cannot be overstated," Annie said. "Their experience is so different from our own. For us, home is our safe place. For these kids, it is most often the very place where they feel the most scared. Beyond scared -- unsafe. And the years of living with neglect and abuse, feeling unsafe, causes a child to live in that constant, traumatized, fight-or-flight mode. It takes such a toll on them. To have just one adult they can trust and rely on, one adult who won't hurt them or leave them is just huge." 

Annie's dedication to CASA's mission is so strong that she left her career as a litigation paralegal to officially join our staff in June. 

"I am so grateful to have the opportunity to enlarge my advocacy by joining CASA as an Advocate Coordinator," she said. "I am grateful for the confidence being placed in me. I am so grateful to the CASA staff and the advocates for their welcoming support. I believe in this mission. I see the need, which is only growing, and I am committed to making a difference."  

Annie lives in Waverly Township. She is one of seven children and has four children of her own - who will soon have 10 of their own children.  

If, like Annie, you're ready to give back to a child who so desperately needs your voice and your dedication, please reach out to us. 

Childhood traumatic stress and how you can help


In a perfect world, the words “child traumatic stress” would not be used together in a sentence.

Unfortunately we know that, for a lot of children, trauma and stress are normal, everyday occurrences.  

So what’s the difference between regular stress and traumatic stress?

While normal stressors often center on regular activities (work, school, relationships), traumatic stressors are more dramatic and far-reaching.

According to The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, child traumatic stress “occurs when a child experiences an intense event that threatens or causes harm to his or her emotional and physical wellbeing.”

These events could be anything from physical and mental abuse to illness, neglect, violence and death. The child also doesn’t have to be a direct victim. Sometimes they are the witness.

Regular exposure to stress of this kind can have lasting physical and mental impacts. The child’s stress response system becomes activated, which increases cortisol and increases heart rate and blood pressure. Prolonged activation of that stress system can lead to depression, drug abuse, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, immunology, and inflammation patterns.

So how can you help?

Research shows that having a relationship with at least one stable, supportive adult is key in building resilience in children. That adult can act as a buffer, helping to lower the reactions of a child’s stress response system.

That caring, consistent adult can also teach the child coping mechanisms to help them heal from the trauma.

There are many ways to become “that adult” for a child who has suffered this kind of abuse and neglect. One of them is to be a CASA.

As a court appointed special advocate, you are trained and supported in the work you do. Each advocate is assigned one case at a time, and works directly with a staff coordinator who is there for assistance and encouragement.

A CASA celebrates, comforts, collaborates, listens, and inspires the children they work with. Changing Minds’ research shows that those five gestures are essential in making a positive change for a child.

There are 470 abused and neglected children in Luzerne County who need help. CASA’s mission is to make sure that each one of those children are safe, secure, and given the ability to thrive in a permanent home by giving each of those children an advocate who will stand up for them.

If you’re ready to do that for a child who needs you, please reach out to us. Our training class is scheduled to begin this fall and we’d love for you to be part of it.